Generative AI Helps Promote Classic AI

generative AI

A while ago we wrote a blog about how classic AI e.g. machine Learning (ML) is ready for prime time on the shopfloor while generative AI will need a little while longer to be mature enough to be deployed in manufacturing itself.

However, if you work in and with AI everyday, there is no way you can (or want to) avoid getting your hands on the latest generative AI tools for a little fun – and increased efficiency.

Generative AI Tools We Have Tried

So while the technical team plays around with robots and new models the marketing team tries their hands on image, audio and video generation using whatever new apps we happen to hear about from our peers.

Today, we (proudly?) present our first video generated with AI (and, frankly, a good deal of human intervention) based on the aforementioned blog titled “Mature AI – Ready for Prime Time on the Shopfloor”.

Here it is

What do you think?

Other than a somewhat spooky looking robot towards the end of the 2 minute video that I could not get rid of, I think it came out pretty well (this was done on a Lumen 5 free plan that has a 1:59 minute limit and limited design options which will likely go away with a paid plan), but the important thing is what you are thinking.

So, if you don’t mind, drop me a note in the comments to let me know whether I spent part of my Monday morning productively.